Poor Taste

I Saw It on I-25

Bruce Ediger

I’ve been commuting somewhat less than 3 days a week, from Fort Collins to Denver and back. I’ve seen some mighty strange stuff.

Star Wareos

Star Wareos

Bruce Ediger

Saw an exceptionally bad commercial tie-in the other days, Oreos, and Star Wars

Machine Is Not Broken

Machine Is Not Broken

Bruce Ediger

Had to go to Air Care Colorado to get my car emissions checked. The experience was jarringly sloppy.

Trolling 1978 Style

Trolling 1978 Style

Bruce Ediger

I found a high school relic that proves I’ve been a troll since at least 1979.

New Wine was apparently the literary magazine of Northwest Missouri State University’s English Department. By appearances, it’s a well produced zine. I can find no reference to it on the sum total of human knowledge, the World Wide Web. I may have the only extent copy of this literary effort.