Life Experiences

Parking Lot 204

Parking Lot 204

Bruce Ediger

Google notified me that 1,000 cellphones have viewed my review of a parking lot!



Bruce Ediger

I took this picture on Drake Ave in Fort Collins. I was afraid to try to decipher the runes for fear of finding out there were some god damn neo-nazis in my neighborhood.

Ancient Fortunes

Ancient Fortunes

Bruce Ediger

I found a piece of an old wallet while I was cleaning up my home office. It had some baby pictures of my son, who is now 22. It also had some fortune cookie fortunes.

New Pet

Bruce Ediger

The Ediger family has a new pet!

I’d like every one to welcome…

Zip-it/Hair Snake

Bruce Ediger

I usually dislike single-purpose tools. Single-purpose tools are either for tradesmen who do the same task repetitively, or they’re appliances that can’t be used in any other fashion.

One exception to this is the plastic hair-clog drain cleaner. It’s only useful on drains that have clogs of hair or other fibrous material, and you must have one in your abode, unless you and everyone who showers there is bald.