Some Truly Awful Sudoku
United Launch Alliance, an aerospace industry roll-up of General Dynamics Atlas, Martin Marietta Titan and McDonnell Douglas Delta launch vehicle divisions, put out this incredibly awful set of 9 Sudoku puzzles on Twitter. The purpose was to whip up enthusiasm for the 2021-09-21 launch of Landsat 9.
Wordle Nov 12, 2022
I made a weird third guess due to coffee deficiency.
9 Board Tic Tac Toe
9 board tic tac toe is a tic tac toe variant played on 9, 3x3 tic tac toe boards, arranged in a 3x3 pattern:
Wordle, Oct 8, 2022
NYT Wordlebot claimed I had two choices after my 3rd guess. Let’s see if it’s correct.
Cryptoquip Construction
I was curious about whether the “hint” that you get with an official Cryptoquip makes any difference.
I was also curious about how hard it is to construct a decent Cryptoquip.
Cryptoquip Solver
I wrote a Cryptoquip solver.
My big contribution here is using the “shape” of the words to narrow the choice of clear text letters.
Jumble Solver
Wordle, Sept 1, 2022
I’m a little happier with my wordle-solving regular expression today.