Fortune Cookies, March 8, 2025
Got some more takeout from the local strip mall Chinese/Thai place.
Got some more takeout from the local strip mall Chinese/Thai place.
Got a couple of dumb fortunes from the local strip mall Chinese/Thai joint.
Another fortune from the local strip mall Chinese restaurant.
The results of two more dinners from the local strip-mall Chinese joint: surprisingly good beef-and-broccoli, the opposite of fortunes in my cookies.
Got these fortunes the last time I picked up chinese food at the local strip mall.
I found a piece of an old wallet while I was cleaning up my home office. It had some baby pictures of my son, who is now 22. It also had some fortune cookie fortunes.
Two more real fortunes, both from the same strip mall Thai and Chinese joint as my previous fortunes.
Presented for your consideration, four fortune cookies I recently got from a strip mall Thai and Chinese food joint.