coding problems

Linked List Problems

Linked List Problems

Bruce Ediger

I found a set of linked list coding problems I’d never seen before.

The document is titled Linked List Problems, written and copyright by Nick Parlante, dated 2002. Apparently Linked List Problems is part of the Stanford CS Education Library, which looks to date to around the end of the 20th Century.

Mergesort Investigation Summary

Mergesort Investigation Summary

Bruce Ediger
Mergesort Investigation 14 - count of comparisons

Mergesort Investigation 14 - count of comparisons

Bruce Ediger

My recursive mergesort algorithm, and the wikipedia bottom-up) algorithm read and write the same list nodes in the same order, for list lengths that are powers of two. Something other than mere data reading and pointer writing causes abrupt performance drops at linked list lengths of 2N+1 nodes.

I decided to count the number of comparisons used in merging lists. I had to write a different program so as to use an unsorted list with data in the same randomly chosen order for each of the three algorithms.

Mergesort Investigation 12 - simulate recursive algorithm with explicit call stack

Mergesort Investigation 12 - simulate recursive algorithm with explicit call stack

Bruce Ediger

I wrote variants of recursive mergesort that simulate function call recurision by iteration with an explicit stack of activation records. This is an effort to try to understand the abrupt performance drops that the wikipedia bottom up algorithm exhibits at some linked list lengths.

Incidentally, these two algorithms both satisfy the Daily Coding Problem problem statement. Their simulated call stack could potentially overflow for extremely long lists, but those stacks wouldn’t have to be much bigger to accomodate those long lists.

Find Nth Fibonacci Number

Find Nth Fibonacci Number

Bruce Ediger

Daily Coding Problem: Problem #1790 [Easy]

Implement the function fib(n), which returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence, using only O(1) space.

Divided Palindromes Daily Coding Problem

Divided Palindromes Daily Coding Problem

Bruce Ediger

Problem Statement

Given a list of words, find all pairs of unique indices such that the concatenation of the two words is a palindrome.

For example, given the list [“code”, “edoc”, “da”, “d”], return [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 3)].