
Revelation Space

Revelation Space

Bruce Ediger

Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds, 2000, ISBN 978-0-316-46244-0, Orbit Books print edition 2020.

Conquest of the Moon - 1950s Astrogators

Conquest of the Moon - 1950s Astrogators

Bruce Ediger

Conquest of the Moon (Viking Press, 1953, Wernher von Braun, Willy Ley, Fred Whipple) describes a lunar expedition that could be accomplished with the technology of 1950.

Von Braun and company left no detail unexamined. One of the less obvious categories that they put a lot of effort into is navigation, or in this context, astrogation.

Peter Graves

Peter Graves

Bruce Ediger

Circa 1970, I read a large number of grade school reading books. One of them had a story in it about a boy who performed various athletic feats. The passage I remember from this book was the boy’s manager saying that his diet was rich in iron, and the boy was getting a part-time job as an anchor.

Marooned on Mars

Marooned on Mars

Bruce Ediger

I recently read this book because I vaguely recalled reading it as a youngster. For the first third of the book, my recollection seemed correct, but then the book diverged from what I remembered. Maybe I didn’t read it back in the late 60s after all.