Sardine, Denizen of Downtown Denver
I’ve found graffiti evidence of “Sardine”, a denizen of downtown Denver, probably homeless.
First, an image taken August 23, 2023, some graffiti in a storm drain, on the “Milk Market” corner of 18th Street and Wazee Street.
Back in August of ‘23, it wasn’t clear to me if the graffiti should be read “SARDINE JAZMAN”, or as two tags, “SARDINE” and “JAZMAN”. This next image makes that a little clearer.
Second, evidence of bodily functions, an image from June 6, 2024, in the alley parallel to and between Blake and Wazee streets, closer to 18th than 17th Street.
I think the first, storm sewer, image contains two tags, one for SARDINE and one for JAZMAN. I captured these images ten months apart. Do they represent evidence of the same Real Human styling him or herself Sardine?
I think these close-ups make it clear that one person tagged both storm drain and downpipe. The S, D, I and e are all consistent. Both tags bear the same capitalization, all caps except for e.