Mergesort Investigation 2 - 2021 program
My July 2021 mergesort program, as the subject of an investigation, deserves some explanation.
My July 2021 mergesort program, as the subject of an investigation, deserves some explanation.
One coding problem I encountered was to do a merge sort of a linked list. I wrote a merge sort in Go, but when I tried to verify it via timing sorting large linked lists, I got some strange behavior
About May 30, 2024, I was driving on I-25, southbound, south of Loveland. I passed by a flatbed truck with a yellow, plastic dump truck strapped to the flatbed.
Once upon a time, I wrote four programs that can play a game called squava with lesser or greater amounts of skill.
All four algorithmic players can win against each other, although there are definite differences in apparent skill. I wanted to know what their Elo rating might be.
After a reboot of my new server, the Kea DHCP server did not respond to DHCPDISCOVERs or DHCPREQUESTs
Saw an exceptionally bad commercial tie-in the other days, Oreos, and Star Wars
My pet Roomba, Dobby, got a thread wrapped around his constantly rotating whisk brush. Soon after that, a carpet loop got wrapped in there, too.
I falsely believed that I had found a wordle state where an elaborate regular expression with alternations gives fewer possible answers than a simple regexp in a pipeline with extra greps.
I was wrong.
I had to use the world’s dumbest keyboard at a parking lot in downtown Denver.