Find Nth Fibonacci Number
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #1790 [Easy]
Implement the function fib(n)
which returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence,
using only O(1)
Daily Coding Problem: Problem #1790 [Easy]
Implement the function fib(n)
which returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence,
using only O(1)
One of my kids passed along a logic problem.
Dead Lies Dreaming, © 2020 by Charles Stross, ISBN 978-1-250-26702-1, A Tordotcom Book. Published by Tom Doherty Associates.
Problem Statement
Given a list of words, find all pairs of unique indices such that the concatenation of the two words is a palindrome.
For example, given the list [“code”, “edoc”, “da”, “d”], return [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 3)].
Fossil Butte National Monument is about 20 miles from Kemmerer, Wyoming, and well worth a visit.
I bought a TP-Link powerline ethernet starter kit.
I visited the Vedauwoo, Wyoming climbing area just over 25 years after my rock climbing accident there.
I fell about 30 feet on July 3, 1989, leading to an emergency room visit, 3 days in the hospital, and 9 weeks of knees-to-toes casts.
On September 2, 2024. I went back for a visit, as a tourist. I haven’t been rock climbing since early 1990.
Is tungsten carbide magnetic?
You can’t use the World Wide Web to find a definitive answer!
It turns out you can buy little cubes of various elements from sketchy Amazon marketplace vendors.
Naturally, I wanted some Tungsten, because of its incredible density.