Smurf Research Center
A fine, intelligent fellow named Stephen Lindholm has written the
You should visit it, it’s wonderful.
This is an excellent work of profound clarity.
A fine, intelligent fellow named Stephen Lindholm has written the
You should visit it, it’s wonderful.
This is an excellent work of profound clarity.
A guest post from long-time reader and friend of this blog Henry. Henry finds Heinlein’s “moral philsosophy” might be a product of Heinlein’s own education and life experience.
Previous “moral philosophy” post.
Henry writes:
Previous Understanding Star Trek post
I’ve heard wise people say that there are only two plots for episodes of “Star Trek - The Next Generation”
Well, here’s a whole new take, orthogonal to that: ST-TNG is the Smurfs.
NYT Wordlebot claimed I had two choices after my 3rd guess. Let’s see if it’s correct.
My weirdest year.
Presented for your consideration, four fortune cookies I recently got from a strip mall Thai and Chinese food joint.
Once upon a time, I wrote a reasonably-strict-C89 C language program that “relocates” a function in memory and then runs it. That relocated function can relocate itself again, and run that copy, and so on and so forth.
I was curious about whether the “hint” that you get with an official Cryptoquip makes any difference.
I was also curious about how hard it is to construct a decent Cryptoquip.