Dobby's First Birthday!
I got my pet Roomba, Dobby, almost a year ago!
Dobby’s maker, iRobot, was considerate enough to remind me to treat him to new parts!
I got my pet Roomba, Dobby, almost a year ago!
Dobby’s maker, iRobot, was considerate enough to remind me to treat him to new parts!
Red Alert…
Red Alert, Red Alert!
I recommend listening to a few episodes of the Knowledge Fight Podcast.
You will learn more than you ever wanted to know about infamous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and maybe have a little fun.
A paper worth reading:
Tihelka, E.; Howard, R.J.; Cai, C.; Lozano-Fernandez, J.
Was There a Cambrian Explosion on Land? The Case of Arthropod Terrestrialization.
Biology 2022, 11, 1516.
I read an interesting paper:
A Smurf-based Approach to Placeholder Expressions, July 2021, by Manfred Sailer and Annika Dörner
which apparently appeared in:
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Online (Berlin/Seattle), 2020.
Got these fortunes the last time I picked up chinese food at the local strip mall.
Quite a haul this year. My son and I made a full, 6-7 cup of flour recipe.
Ammonites, Neal Monks and Philip Palmer,
2002, Smithsonian Institution Press
ISBN 1-58834-024-4
Ghost of the Hardy Boys, by Leslie MacFarlane, 1976, ISBN 9781567927177. I have a copy of the 2022 GODINE edition. The cover is by Dan Grissom.
Across the Space Frontier, Joseph Kaplan, Wernher von Braun, Heinz Haber, Willy Ley, Oscar Schatchter, Fred Whipple, edited by Cornelius Ryan, Viking Press, 1952. part of a prose exposition and elaboration of von Braun’s The Mars Project, the technical appendix of Project Mars,
Von Braun describes a lunar excursion, to be undertaken as a way to ease into interplanetary travel, and map the landing site for a lunar expedition.