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Bruce Ediger

Ammonites, Neal Monks and Philip Palmer, 2002, Smithsonian Institution Press
ISBN 1-58834-024-4

Ghost of the Hardy Boys

Ghost of the Hardy Boys

Bruce Ediger

Ghost of the Hardy Boys, by Leslie MacFarlane, 1976, ISBN 9781567927177. I have a copy of the 2022 GODINE edition. The cover is by Dan Grissom.

Across the Space Frontier - circumlunar trip

Across the Space Frontier - circumlunar trip

Bruce Ediger

Across the Space Frontier, Joseph Kaplan, Wernher von Braun, Heinz Haber, Willy Ley, Oscar Schatchter, Fred Whipple, edited by Cornelius Ryan, Viking Press, 1952. part of a prose exposition and elaboration of von Braun’s The Mars Project, the technical appendix of Project Mars,

Von Braun describes a lunar excursion, to be undertaken as a way to ease into interplanetary travel, and map the landing site for a lunar expedition.



Bruce Ediger

You can find some interesting grafitti on the east side of I-25, just south of exit 262 (Colorado 392, Windsor, CO) in Colorado.

Revelation Space

Revelation Space

Bruce Ediger

Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds, 2000, ISBN 978-0-316-46244-0, Orbit Books print edition 2020.